New Spanish International Cooperation Law: an opportunity for increasing the impact of financial cooperation

Keywords: financial cooperation, Impact investing, FEDES, Cooperation Law 1/2023, blended finance


Fulfilling the 2030 Agenda requires substantial changes in the structure and functioning of the Spanish cooperation system. The new Law 1/2023 is a first step in this direction, providing financial cooperation with greater flexibility and autonomy to create a more agile and innovative system. However, a comparison with other European models (Germany, the Netherlands and France) shows greater capital and diversity of financial instruments, as well as innovative public-private alliances capable of designing and implementing new financial cooperation modalities. In this way, Spanish Development Cooperation should consider new mechanisms such as those already designed in other European countries that allow it to increase its financial muscle, the type of projects and their impact, while at the same time making it a catalyst for impact investment in our country.

Author Biographies

Tania Gómez Carrión, DT Global

Tania Gómez Carrión, DT Global, Jefa Departamento de Gobernanza, Doble Licenciada en Derecho y Economía por la UC3M de Madrid y Master en Políticas Públicas SOAS- University of London

Arianne Martin Rodriguez, Experta Independiente

Arianne Martin Rodríguez, Experta Independiente, Consultora en Inversión de Impacto y Género, Licenciada en Ciencias Económicas por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Paula Tena Bassols, DT Global

Paula Tena Bassols, DT Global, Consultora Senior Departamento de Implementación de proyectos, Graduada en Derecho y Ciencias Políticas por la UC3M de Madrid y Máster en Acceso al Ejercicio de la Abogacía por la UC3M de Madrid

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How to Cite
Gómez Carrión T., Martin Rodriguez A. y Tena Bassols P. (2023). New Spanish International Cooperation Law: an opportunity for increasing the impact of financial cooperation. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 50(2), 163-177.