El programa de cooperación al desarrollo del Gobierno de Navarra. Política pública y marco normativo

  • Andrés J. Carbonero Servicio de Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo del Gobierno de Navarra.
  • Luis Ciriza Gobierno de Navarra


The actions in development co-operation taken by the Government of Navarra make it the first decentralized donor in Spain, if we take into account the amount of resources destined to this end. Given the interest shown by all the agents in Navarra, it was decided to provide the Community with a Co-operation Law (5/2000, 9 march) in order to organize the actions, and to count on a single and consistent legal framework. The article exposes the objectives and the process of approval of the Law, as well as the guidelines of development co-operation in Navarra.



How to Cite
Carbonero A. J. . y Ciriza L. . (2023). El programa de cooperación al desarrollo del Gobierno de Navarra. Política pública y marco normativo. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 10, 171-184. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/87117