La estrategia de lucha contra la pobreza en América Latina y la región andina en la década de los noventa

  • Eduardo Ballon E. Investigador principal de DESCO y presidente de ALOP


The article is a critical analysis of the so called compensation programs in social areas which have sprung since the end of the eighties in a majority of the region’s countries as the main strategy to fight poverty. Introduced by the World Bank with the active participation of the Interamerican Development Bank and bilateral cooperation agencies those programs tried to mitigate the impact of economic policies and economic adjustment processes on the population’s most vulnerable sectors. By focusing exclusively on poverty this strategy didn’t see the region’s main problems: inequality and exclusion.



How to Cite
Ballon E. E. . (2023). La estrategia de lucha contra la pobreza en América Latina y la región andina en la década de los noventa. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 12, 43-54.