El Acuerdo de Cotonou y la NEPAD: ¿dos iniciativas para el desarrollo de África?

  • Isabel Victoria Lucena Cid Universidad Pablo de Olavide


The New Agreement of the European Union and the Countries of África, Caribbean and Pacific supposes a challenge to reach the development of these countries and its economic integration in the international environment. In the same way the New Strategy for the Development of África (NEPAD), looks for a new development model that responds to the necessities expressed by the people of África and to reach that they are the main characters of their own development. Both initiatives must confront a serious and coherent commitment jointly if we want África to recover its present and have a future.

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How to Cite
Lucena Cid I. V. . (2023). El Acuerdo de Cotonou y la NEPAD: ¿dos iniciativas para el desarrollo de África? . Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 14, 153-167. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86989