Aproximación a la evolución de los medios de comunicación para el desarrollo

  • María José Pérez del Pozo Universidad Complutense de Madrid


This article presents a time span of communication media devoted to development since its beginnings, when they where functional to political parties in a rather sort of “propaganda” style media, to a more local developmental-oriented scope. The transition to this approach, in which communication media emphasizes the role of participation and creativity in the process of development, rests in the failures brought about by an elitist use of communication and the prominent role of international financing. It ends up by considering some of the main features about the innovative use of information and communication technologies (ICT) for development.



How to Cite
Pérez del Pozo M. J. (2023). Aproximación a la evolución de los medios de comunicación para el desarrollo. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 15, 45-60. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86975