Importancia del arrendamiento agrario para la seguridad alimentaria

  • Jairo Paizano ONGD Acción Contra el Hambre


The agrarian rent is an important factor for the development of domestic agriculture. However, there is a lack of coherent and precise information that generates a debilitation of its juridical process when we consider private lands. Rent contracts can be established in two ways. The first one is through the tenants and the other one with  the owners of the land. Agrarian rent generates creative possibilities to cultivate and take full advantage of productive land. The study and discussion of those possibilities whit the local people (owners and non-owners) is perhaps a good option to reduce food insecurity, considering rent systems as a way in which families with scarce resources of land can have access to them.

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How to Cite
Paizano J. (2023). Importancia del arrendamiento agrario para la seguridad alimentaria. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 15, 71-85.