Discursos y mitos de la participación social en la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo: una mirada a partir de Brasil

  • Carlos R.S. Milani Universidad Federal de Bahía


This article questions some essential issues related to discourses and myths built around social participation by international cooperation agencies. The author builds his argument rooted in his own experience as project manager within UNESCO's Social and Human Sciences Sector between 1995 and 2002. The opinions expressed herein are of his own and sole responsibility, and aim at stimulating a critical debate on some recent trends within the international regime of cooperation for development. It is obviously not an exhaustive and detailed analysis, but only a few preliminary notes which review academic literature in this field and relaunch the debate on social participation in this international regime. Finally the author sketches a methodological set of questions about uses (and in order to avoid abuses…) of social participation in development projects and practices.

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How to Cite
Milani C. R. (2023). Discursos y mitos de la participación social en la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo: una mirada a partir de Brasil. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 22, 161-181. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86749