Brasil-Haití: una cooperación para el desarrollo y la reconstrucción

  • Wladimir Valler Filho


This work analyses the efforts that Brazil is making in the field of technical cooperation in Haiti. The approach is basically done in two parts: the first one is focused on the experience of the cooperation with Haiti as a study case, and the second one is dedicated to the guidelines and philosophy in which Brazilian technical cooperation is based. This is an efficient approach since the author establishes a dialogue between two realities: theory and practice of international development cooperation. The role of technical cooperation as a support for diplomatic action is also discussed. Within that framework, some unknown components are showed in order to achieve a foreign policy strategy, where it is highlighted the role of Brazil as a partner determined to the reconstruction and development of other country.

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How to Cite
Valler Filho W. . (2023). Brasil-Haití: una cooperación para el desarrollo y la reconstrucción. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 22, 79-96.