Cooperación española en El Salvador. Tres instrumentos para la eficacia

  • Ignacio Nicolau Ibarra Coordinador General, Cooperación española


The signing of a new Framework Agreement (Marco de Asociación, MA) between Spain and El Salvador at the end of 2010 consolidated the new approach of aid effectiveness applied to all instruments that conform the Spanish Cooperation. We note in this article the use of Budget Support to the Government Programme “Comunidades Solidarias” as a fitting example of the response to the principles of efficiency upholded in the Framework Agreement. Similarly, we present the regional program, emphasizing its commitment for the fight against poverty through the strengthening of regional integration. Finally, we explain the evolution of our Regional Program which keeps certain similarities with the principles of the Budget Support as aid modality in terms of structure and management system.



How to Cite
Nicolau Ibarra I. . (2023). Cooperación española en El Salvador. Tres instrumentos para la eficacia. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 30, 213-231.