Food sovereignty and Agrarian reform: Social movement’s prospect

  • Judite Stronzake Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra de Brasil (MST)
  • Marina Dos Santos Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra de Brasil (MST)
  • Nívia Regina Silva Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra de Brasil (MST)
Keywords: Food sovereignty, Popular agrarian reform, Social movements, Brazil, Hunger


Our generation lives in a historic juncture, a complex and adverse period for workers all over the World. There is an offensive of international finance capital on agriculture and natural resources never lived since colonial times. The crisis of capital profit margin has led to a warefare of privatization that yields expulsion of peasants, indigenous communities of their territories by stealing or destroying their lands, forests, biodiversity, water and minerals, just to maintain profit rates. The liability to this crisis actually increases for social movements. They need to strengthen mobilization, organization and political education of the working classes by strengthening their international presence. The alliance between food sovereignty and popular agrarian reform must be the main core strategy.

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How to Cite
Stronzake J., Dos Santos M. . y Regina Silva N. (2023). Food sovereignty and Agrarian reform: Social movement’s prospect. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 32, 61-72.