Rig y la gestión asociativa en la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo territorial: una propuesta más allá de la cooperación descentralizada en México

  • Esther Ponce Adame UNAM
Keywords: México, International cooperation, Decentralized cooperation, Territorial development, Intergovernmental relations


This article takes up work that the author has previously published and a reflective process that she fed back during this year in the context of various areas where she has been fortunate to participate as a speaker, lecturer and teacher. While some of the statements and proposals made in the following lines may be applicable or generalizable to the Latin American region and, perhaps, to other regions, it will focus on the case of international cooperation for local development in Mexico.

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How to Cite
Ponce Adame E. . (2023). Rig y la gestión asociativa en la cooperación internacional para el desarrollo territorial: una propuesta más allá de la cooperación descentralizada en México. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 31, 57-79. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86343