2014 and the progress towards political irrelevance of policy development aid with less citizenship and more financial control

  • Kattya Cascante Hernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Spanish policy on international development cooperation, Citizen participation, Financial control, FONPRODE, European Union


In the first half of 2014 the Spanish policy on international development cooperation has continued to adhere to an evolutionary decline. Include the change in cycle planning Spanish Aid policy, the new collaboration agreements between the Government and some Autonomous Communities, limitations in the means of civic participation and changes in access to new funding formulas from AECID´s grant. Also discuss the announced FRONPRODE counter the road to a new strategy for financial cooperation and the total lack of cooperation in the debates in the recent European Parliament elections.



How to Cite
Cascante Hernández K. (2023). 2014 and the progress towards political irrelevance of policy development aid with less citizenship and more financial control. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 34, 175-186. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86313