Conflicto, alianza y disociación en el Puerto Rico del siglo XVII: las redes sociales del capitán general Sancho Ochoa de Castro y el sargento mayor Jerónimo de Mieses (1602-1608)

  • Héctor Santiago Cazull
Keywords: Social Networks, Family Networks, Puerto Rico, XVII Century, Power Struggles, Alliances


During the first decade of the XVII century, First Sergeant Jerónimo de Mieses was the driving force of a passionate power conflict against the Governor and Captain General of Puerto Rico, Sancho Ochoa de Castro (1602-1608). These individuals maintained a fundamentally personalist struggle, which played within the classic conflicts that pitted central powers against local elites, and the overlapping colonial jurisdictions of government against each other. The alliances and fallouts between the principal players constitute an excellent case-study which reveals the importance of social relations in the formation and resolution of conflict and the mutable and dynamic nature of the personal networks that operated within the unsettled society of Puerto Rico in the early modern age.


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How to Cite
Santiago Cazull H. . (2009). Conflicto, alianza y disociación en el Puerto Rico del siglo XVII: las redes sociales del capitán general Sancho Ochoa de Castro y el sargento mayor Jerónimo de Mieses (1602-1608). Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 34, 43-62.