Los mercaderes de la Ciudad de México en el siglo XVI y el comercio con el exterior

  • María Del Pilar Martínez López-Cano
Keywords: Merchants, Trade, Mexico City, XVI Century, New Spain, Spaniards,


The article offers data on the Mexico’s merchants in the XVI century, the business main center of New Spain, and their participation in the foreign trade in that century. They are approached the commercial importance of the vice regal capital, the main routes of the foreign trade, the composition of the mercantile community, the participation of the wealthy merchants in the transatlantic exchange and colonial trade and in the commercialization of the goods.


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How to Cite
Martínez López-Cano M. D. P. (2007). Los mercaderes de la Ciudad de México en el siglo XVI y el comercio con el exterior. Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 32, 103-126. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCHA/article/view/RCHA0606110103A