Hacia la creación de la República Federal. España y los Estados Unidos: 1783-1789

  • Carmen de la Guardia Herrero
Keywords: United States, independence, international relations, Spain,


From the end of the War of Independence in 1783 to the ratification of the Federal Constitution in 1789, the United States went through critical times. With only one institution in common, the Confederation Congress, which in any case had very little power, the new nation had to face deal with the problems caused by the transition from colonies to sovereign states. Using as a case study the difficult relations with the Spanish monarchy, this article examines the factors that led to a reinforcement of federal power in the United States. The desire to maintain an efficient foreign policy was behind the drive for a «more perfect union».


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How to Cite
Guardia Herrero C. d. l. (2001). Hacia la creación de la República Federal. España y los Estados Unidos: 1783-1789. Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 27, 35-67. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RCHA/article/view/RCHA0101110035A