Political Disputes in a Frontier Territory. The Incorporation of the Eastern Province into the Brigantine Monarchy

  • Laura Martínez Renau Universitat de València
Keywords: Revolution, Liberalism, Independence, Cisplatine, Montevideo, 19th Century


 This article focuses on an analysis of the years 1820-1823 in the city of Montevideo. The capital of the Eastern Province was occupied by Portuguese troops in 1817 and formally incorporated in 1821, by means of an Extraordinary Congress, into the territory of the Portuguese Braganza Monarchy. Because of this, when the Second Liberal Revolution triumphed in Spain in 1820, and the first Portuguese one in August of the same year, the province joined the Portuguese constitutionalist movement and became the Cisplatine Province. In these pages we will see how the process of incorporation into the Brigantine Monarchy took place and how Montevideo experienced the disputes between King João VI and the Prince Regent, while the latter was planning the Brazilian declaration of independence throughout the year 1822.


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How to Cite
Martínez Renau L. (2021). Political Disputes in a Frontier Territory. The Incorporation of the Eastern Province into the Brigantine Monarchy. Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 47, 89-110. https://doi.org/10.5209/rcha.75321