The Looting of Sacred Ornaments and Jewels in the Wars of Independence of Colombia: between Political Repression and Religious Devotion

  • Roger Pita Pico
Keywords: Ornaments, Jewelry, Theft, Seizure, War, Church, Independence, Colombia, 19th Century.


In the framework of the bicentennial celebration of the Independence of the Hispano-American nations, this article aims to analyze the looting, concealment, transformation and destruction of jewelry and ornaments of churches and convents during the political and military conflict in the wars of emancipation of Colombia. During those hectic years, these sacred pieces were immersed in a context marked by political polarization, religious devotion and the desire of Republicans and Spaniards to acquire resources for the war effort. Quite complex and uncertain were the intentions of the churches to reclaim their sacred pieces in a milieu marked by secularization and tensions between the political and ecclesiastical powers.


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How to Cite
Pita Pico R. (2017). The Looting of Sacred Ornaments and Jewels in the Wars of Independence of Colombia: between Political Repression and Religious Devotion. Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 43, 179-202.