History of the Interamerican Psychology: The Interamerican Society of Psychology (1951)

  • Miguel Gallegos Universidad Nacional de Rosario – CONICET (Argentina)
Keywords: Interamerican Society of Psychology, history, interamerican psychology.


The purpose of the present article is to justify the history of the Interamerican Psychology regarding the foundation of the Interamerican Society of Psychology (ISP), in 1951. Although other studies had addressed the development of the Interamerican Psychology, none of them had justified its history. In that sense, the present work addresses the following issues: 1) the foundation of the ISP; 2) the historical context of this foundation; 3) the more important outcomes of this foundation; 4) the factors that justify the history of the Interamerican Psychology. In sum, the present work suggests that the history of the Interamenrican Psychology is the history of the connections and the creation of the ISP was the key element that promoted those connections.


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How to Cite
Gallegos M. (2012). History of the Interamerican Psychology: The Interamerican Society of Psychology (1951). Psychologia Latina, 3(1), 23-36. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_PSLA.2012.v3.n1.38739