Tributos locales y cargas como instrumentos de movilidad sostenible en las grandes metrópolis españolas
Cities, CO2 emissions, Sustainable mobility, Local taxation
Private vehicle contributes to the generation of several environmental problems at the Spanish urban level as its share on urban passenger transport is significant. They are also non negligible as a GHG source, becoming urgent to reduce its contribution to Spanish emissions moreover due to the short time period remaining to fulfil its international commitments. The use of fiscal measures to moderate private passenger transport services demand at urban level is one of the issues to cope the negative externalities due to road transport which belongs to a wider compensation and payment systems. To comb GHG emissions from “diffuse sources” is a priority for the EU and Spanish climate change strategies. Local policies of this kind are crucial because its potential effectiveness, related to local authorities wide urban competences. The paper offers some details on big Spanish cities initiatives of that kind (climate change programmes, sustainable mobility plans) analyzing particularly the case of Madrid. It also concentrates on the most recent EU and national fiscal options to control GHG urban emissions. The main conclusion achieved is that GHG mitigation goal is not a priority today, within the Spanish big cites; neither CO2 emissions potentially avoidable trough local demand driven issues are essential for sustainable mobility programmes at urban level.Downloads
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How to Cite
Yábar Sterling A. y Herrera Molina P. M. . (2008). Tributos locales y cargas como instrumentos de movilidad sostenible en las grandes metrópolis españolas. M+A. Revista Electrónica de Medioambiente, 5, 58-72.