Evolución de la temperatura en el Pacífico a lo largo del período instrumental

  • Mª Eugenia Pérez González
  • Mª Pilar García Rodríguez
Keywords: Temperature, Pacific Ocean, Climatic change, Tendencies,


The aim of this paper is the analysis of the air temperature in numerous islands of the Pacific Ocean. Thermometric data from 27 islands, along instrumental period, ranging from 32 to 122 years, will be studied. The evolution of the annual average temperature and the thermal anomaly respect to the 1961-90 period in all the islands displays a great disparity of lineal tendencies. There is near a 50 % of the temperature series in which exist in which the tendencies are clearly positive, with an increase between 0.7º and 2.3º C/Century and a similar percentage with stable or negative tendencies. Thus, due to the lack of unanimity or a clear trend of the statistical tendencies, the temperature of the Pacific Ocean cannot support the hypothesis of the Climatic Change.


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How to Cite
Pérez González M. E. y García Rodríguez M. P. (2007). Evolución de la temperatura en el Pacífico a lo largo del período instrumental. M+A. Revista Electrónica de Medioambiente, 3, 23-52. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/MARE/article/view/MARE0707120023A