61. Arthrocnemo macrostachyi-Sarcocornietum hispanicae, a new halophytic plant community from eastern Iberian Penisula
Abstract: Fuente, V. de la, Rufo, L. & Sánchez-Mata, D. Arthrocnemo macrostachyi-Sarcocornietum hispanicae, a new halophytic plant community from eastern IberianPenisula. Lazaroa 34: (2013).A new phytosociological association, Arthrocnemo macrostachyi-Sarcocornietum hispanicae, to frame the halophytic vegetation structured bySarcocornia hispanica throughout saline habitats in eastern Iberian Peninsula isproposed. Some phytosociological remarks on Salicornietea fruticosae syntaxonomicaltypology are also given.Downloads
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Como Citar
de la Fuente V., Rufo L., Teijeiro A. y Sánchez-Mata D. (2013). 61. Arthrocnemo macrostachyi-Sarcocornietum hispanicae, a new halophytic plant community from eastern Iberian Penisula. Lazaroa, 34, 267-272. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_LAZA.2013.v34.n1.43644
Phytosociological Nomenclature Section
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