New Contributions on Flora and Vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops

  • Carlos Aguiar Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Tiago Monteiro-Henriques Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda
  • Daniel Sánchez-Mata Complutense University at Madrid


In this work we present some syntaxonomic novelties on the vegetation of the referred ultramafic outcrops focused onthree new associations: Jonopsidio abulensis-Sedetum maireani, Armerio daveaui-Agrostietum castellanae and Seseli peixotoani-Avenuletum lusitanicae; in addition, a new nomenclatural combination of an endemic taxon from the Morais massif(Armeria langei subsp. marizii) is proposed. We also clarify the phytocoenotic structure of the Portuguese vegetation seriesthrough a simple diagrammatic representation, which is then applied to one unique climatophilous vegetation series presentin the ultramafic rocks of northeastern Portugal: Genisto hystricis-Querco rotundifoliae Sigmetum.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia Autor

Daniel Sánchez-Mata, Complutense University at Madrid
Full Professor, Department of Plant Biology II




Como Citar
Aguiar C., Monteiro-Henriques T. y Sánchez-Mata D. (2013). New Contributions on Flora and Vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops. Lazaroa, 34, 141-150.