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Condições para Submissão

Como parte do processo de submissão, os autores são obrigados a verificar a conformidade da submissão em relação a todos os itens listados a seguir. As submissões que não estiverem de acordo com as normas serão devolvidas aos autores.

Instruções para Autores

Lazaroa publishes original scientific works dealing with Botany, including Biogeography, Ecology, Ethnobotany, Flora, Plant Taxonomy, Systematics and Vegetation. Lazaroa publishes one volume a year consisting of two issues. Each issue is organized in three sections: original articles, phytosociological nomenclature section (PNS) and short notes.

Two appropriate referees will review the manuscript sent for inclusion in Lazaroa, but the final decision to accept or not a manuscript is on the Editorial Board. However, it is necessary to point out that the opinions stated in the works published in Lazaroa are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editorial Board, the Plant Biology II Department or the University Press. Manuscripts which do not strictly adhere the following publishing instructions will be returned to the authors.

Manuscript submission and correspondence. Manuscript submission proceeds totally online uploading your files to (‘register with this site’). Authors may submit a manuscript as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or RTF (.rtf), with all tables and figures embedded in a single file. Authors should provide an extra-file similar to the original but without the name of authors to ensure blind review. The language used is only English.

Other advises to compile your manuscript:

  • Use uniform lettering and sizing, using cursive only for scientific nomenclature. Preferred fonts: Times New Roman. Margins: 2.50 cm
    • Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text.
      • Title should be concise but informative with the authors name below.
      • The address(es) of authors(s) placed at the bottom of the first page of the manuscript.
      • Every original should include a broad summary not only in English but also in Spanish; pointing out the main results and conclusions of the work, (the editorial office can help those authors not familiar with Spanish).
      • The text should consist of Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements and References.
      • The nomenclature of taxa and syntaxa used should strictly follow the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) or the Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature (CPN) respectively and reference floras should be included.

Citations. Use forms such as: (Loidi, 2008) or Loidi (2008), Leps & Smilauer (2003) or (Leps & Smilauer, 2003) or Tutin et al. (1964-1993) or (Tutin et al., 1964-1993). Citations should be chronological by year (Gavilán & Fernández-González, 1997; Leps & Smilauer, 2003).

References. Use the formats below. Always name all the authors for each publication and give the abbreviate name of the journals using the ISI Journal Title Abbreviations:

Loidi, J. 2008. La fitosociología como proveedora de herramientas de gestión. Lazaroa 29: 7-17.

Gavilán, R.G. & Fernández-González, F. 1997. Climatic discrimination of Mediterranean broad-leaved sclerophyllous and deciduous forests in central Spain. J. Veg. Sci. 8(3): 377-386.

Leps, J. & Smilauer, P. 2003. Multivariate analysis of ecological data using CANOCO. Cambridge Univ. Press, New York.

Tutin, S. & al. (Eds.). 1964-1993. Flora Europaea. Cambrige Univ. Press, Cambridge.

Gehu, J.M. & Rivas-Martínez, S. 1981. Notions fondamentaux de phytosociologie. In: Dierschke, H. (Ed.). Syntaxonomie. Pp. 5-53. J.Cramer, Vaduz.

Romero, M.I. 1993. La vegetación del valle del río Cabe (Terra de Lemos, Lugo). Mem. Doc. (inéd.). Fac. Biología, Univ. Santiago de Compostela.

Tables and figures. They should have a detailed caption and be enumerated as Table 1, Table 2, etc. or Figure 1, Figure 2. It is possible to publish color photographs on-line but not when printed.

Cover images. Electronic original photographs of high quality suitable for the cover are welcomed. Contact the Editorial Office ( and should be accompanied by a relevant caption, including locality, altitude, type of vegetation, latin name of species, etc. We will consider as preferential that images should be related to submitted papers.

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