63. Validation of names of some syntaxa of the Crimean vegetation

  • Yakiv P. Didukh
  • Ladislav Mucina


We validate concepts and names of three alliances (Androsaco tauricae-Caricion humilis, Adonido vernalis-Stipion tirsae, Veronico multifidae-Stipion ponticae) of steppe vegetation (Festuco-Brometea) of Crimea as well as two other alliances of sub-mediterranean character (Diantho humilis-Velezion rigidae, Elytrigio nodosae-Rhuion coriariae). We also validatea number of associations, most of them to serve as the holotypes of the alliances.


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Comment citer
Didukh Y. P. y Mucina L. (2014). 63. Validation of names of some syntaxa of the Crimean vegetation. Lazaroa, 35, 181-190. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_LAZA.2014.v35.47069
Phytosociological Nomenclature Section