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Revistas Científicas Complutenses
Ediciones Complutense
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Vol. 31 (2010)
Vol. 31 (2010)
7 - 8
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5 - 6
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Temperate riverside forests without alder trees in the north-west of the Iberian Peninsula: ecology, phytosociological profile and interest for preservation policies
Manuel Antonio Rodríguez Guitián
9 - 37
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Vegetación arbórea y arbustiva de la cuenca del Río Tinto (Huelva, España)
Vicenta de la Fuente García, Lourdes Rufo Nieto
39 - 58
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New Proposals on Portuguese Vegetation (II)
Carlos Pinto-Gomes, Rodrigo Paiva-Ferreira, Catarina Meireles
59 - 65
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Phytosociological remarks on residual woodlands of Laurus nobilis in Sicily
Lorenzo Gianguzzi, Agostino D'Amico, Salvatore Romano
67 - 84
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The lleuque forests of South Central Chile: a phytosociological study and syntaxonomical classification within South American temperate forests
Javier Amigo, Manuel A. Rodríguez-Guitián, Carlos Ramírez
85 - 98
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Relaciones entre los parámetros físico-químicos del suelo y la vegetación en juncales de Scirpoides holoschoenus
Paloma Cantó, José Antonio Molina, Ana S. García-Madrid, Miguel Angel Casermeiro, Mª Teresa De La Cruz
99 - 107
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Invasiveness of alien vascular plants in six arid zones of Europe, Africa and America
Mario Sanz Elorza, Francisco González Bernardo, Alfredo Serreta Oliván, Laura P. Gavilán Iglesias
109 - 126
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Ecology and habitats of Serapias perez-chiscanoi (Orchidaceae) near Vila Nova da Baronia (Lower Alentejo, Portugal)
Marizia M.D. Pereira, Caspar Venhuis, Francisco Gutierres
127 - 132
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Etudes floristique et ethnobotanique des plantes médicinales de la ville de Kénitra (Maroc)
Souad Salhi, Mohamed Fadli, Lahcen Zidane, Allal Douira
133 - 143
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Effects of fire frequency on nutrient levels in soils of Aleppo pine forests in southern France
María Teresa Iglesias
147 - 152
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Phytosociological Nomenclature Section
Phytosociological Nomenclature Section
. Contents
153 - 154
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56. Syntaxonomical and nomenclatural notes about rupicolous communities of Jasonio glutinosae-Teucrietum thymifolii
Mª Ángeles Alonso, Ana Juan, Manuel Benito Crespo, Jonás César Agulló, José Luis Villar
155 - 163
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Short Notes
Nueva colección de líquenes y hongos liquenícolas (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina-Chile) en el Herbario MAF
José Manuel Blanquer, José Manuel Sobrados, Pilar Villar, José Pizarro
167 - 170
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Índice de novedades nomenclaturales sintaxonómicas
183 - 183
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Floristic-phytosociological approach, potential natural vegetation, and survival of prejudice
Ladislav Mucina
173 - 182
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Português (Portugal)
Français (France)
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