New Contributions on Flora and Vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops

  • Carlos Aguiar Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
  • Tiago Monteiro-Henriques Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Tapada da Ajuda
  • Daniel Sánchez-Mata Complutense University at Madrid
Keywords: Ultramafic vegetation, ultramafic flora, ultramafic vegetation series, Armeria langei subsp. marizii, Portugal


In this work we present some syntaxonomic novelties on the vegetation of the referred ultramafic outcrops focused onthree new associations: Jonopsidio abulensis-Sedetum maireani, Armerio daveaui-Agrostietum castellanae and Seseli peixotoani-Avenuletum lusitanicae; in addition, a new nomenclatural combination of an endemic taxon from the Morais massif(Armeria langei subsp. marizii) is proposed. We also clarify the phytocoenotic structure of the Portuguese vegetation seriesthrough a simple diagrammatic representation, which is then applied to one unique climatophilous vegetation series presentin the ultramafic rocks of northeastern Portugal: Genisto hystricis-Querco rotundifoliae Sigmetum.


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Author Biography

Daniel Sánchez-Mata, Complutense University at Madrid
Full Professor, Department of Plant Biology II

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How to Cite
Aguiar C., Monteiro-Henriques T. y Sánchez-Mata D. (2013). New Contributions on Flora and Vegetation of northeastern Portugal ultramafic outcrops. Lazaroa, 34, 141-150.