A General Overview onto the New Contract Act for the Public Sector in Spain

  • Eva M.ª Menéndez Sebastián Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Administrative Law, contracts by the public sector, transparency, integrity, strategic recruitment, professionals, own resource errands


Last March 9th 2018 the new Contract Act for the Public Sector in Spain has come into force. It is quite a complex law -as required by the subject of study- which has dramatically twisted some relevant aspects of recruitment within the public sector so as to turn it into a strategic, professional and based on integrity issue. Without breaching the previous law it transfers the last set of directives passed in 2014 to our legal system. This study goes through the main novelties the new law has introduced throughout the four stages of any contract: preparation, bid, compliance and termination together with —and more importantly— the principles, perspective and goals the law complies with.


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How to Cite
Menéndez Sebastián E. M. (2018). A General Overview onto the New Contract Act for the Public Sector in Spain. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 21(1), 93-132. https://doi.org/10.5209/FORO.61800