Ensayo ganador del VII premio Enrique Ruano Casanova: La presencia del crucifijo en las aulas. Jurisprudencia nacional y europea

  • Daniel Gridilla Martínez Manzano Máster en Derecho Público Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: The right of freedom of religion, crucifix, public school, religious emblems, Lautsi, impartiality, secularity.


When Spanish Constitution was approved in 1978, Spain became a secular state, admitting for the first time the right of freedom of religion to all individuals. It is precisely when such right is put into practice on an equality basis that the most controversy arises, it has been so since democracy begun. The most controversial subject in recent years is the fact that crucifixes and other religious emblems are still kept in some public schools. Such matter has been approached by Spanish Courts and by the European Court of Human Rights.




How to Cite
Martínez Manzano D. G. (2016). Ensayo ganador del VII premio Enrique Ruano Casanova: La presencia del crucifijo en las aulas. Jurisprudencia nacional y europea. FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 18(2), 13-47. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/FORO/article/view/51788