From the Normative Heaven to Crude Matter. The Discursive Transformation of Good Government into Governance

  • María Ángeles Abellán López Universidad Miguel Hernández (España).
Keywords: Good Government, public ethics, governance, technocracy, Neoinstitutionalism.


The abundant use of the concept of good governance in political and media discourse can lead us to conclude that we are currently encountering a conceptual innovation. In actual fact it is an old concept that has its roots in classical political theory and resists any clear and precise definition. This article aims to reflect on the main changes experienced by the concept of good government and its metamorphosis into governance, by means of an analysis using a narrative of conceptual transformation from a normative logic to a technocratic logic.


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How to Cite
Abellán López M. Á. (2017). From the Normative Heaven to Crude Matter. The Discursive Transformation of Good Government into Governance. Foro Interno, 17, 55-72.