El segundo dativo en los elementos semi-predicativos del ruso
Secondary predication, Semi-predicative, Dative subject
In this paper I argue that the semi-predicative items odu and can must obligatorily undergo Case Sameness (show Use same case as the argument they refer to) and that, unlike regular predicatives, they cannot check instrumental case. The reason is the floating nature of these items, which relates them to “classic” floating quantifiers (ece, oba). Our analysis is based on the following principles: (i) structural case assignment lo nonverbal predicates; (ii) floating quantification; (iii) the analysis of dative in infinitives as structural case (dative is the case that subjects check against a -finite and +time head), and (iv) Case Transmission, as a movement of formal features.Downloads
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How to Cite
Madariaga Pisano N. . (2005). El segundo dativo en los elementos semi-predicativos del ruso . Eslavística Complutense, 5, 101-116. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ESLC/article/view/ESLC0505110101A