Un estudio sobre el pago fiscal derivado de los dos sistemas de contabilización de resultados de las sociedades cooperativas

  • Gustavo Raúl Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas
  • Josefina Fernández Guadaño
Keywords: Co-operative entity, cooperative available result, extra-cooperative net profit, separate accounting, combined accounting,


This paper seeks to determine the Corporate Tax payment derived from applying each one of the two possible accounting methods for the Cooperative and Extra-cooperative Results, as regulated by the state regulation of cooperative entities. Also, keeping in mind the adjustments and fiscal benefits established by the Fiscal Law of cooperative entities and the Corporate Tax Law. This is to establish a comparative analysis THAT will allow managers to choose an accounting system or another under different levels of fiscal protection.


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How to Cite
Lejarriaga Pérez de las Vacas G. R. y Fernández Guadaño J. (2004). Un estudio sobre el pago fiscal derivado de los dos sistemas de contabilización de resultados de las sociedades cooperativas. Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales, 14, 131-142. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CESE/article/view/CESE0404110131A