La figura del Médico-Director en el Balneario de Lanjarón: siglo XIX

  • Francisco Maraver Eyzaguirre
Keywords: Medical hydrology, Balneotherapy, Spa medical corps, Lanjarón Spa, * history, 19th Century,


With the formation of a Spa Medical Corps, the Medical Director Status was established in the beginning of the XIX century. Lanjaron Spa has been of special interest due to the outstanding professionals that occupied this status throughout the years. In this paper we evaluate, through numerous testimonies during the period studied, the different vicissitudes that affected the Health Centre that these personalities were in charge of and how their personalities influenced that centre giving it its characteristics.


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How to Cite
Maraver Eyzaguirre F. . (2007). La figura del Médico-Director en el Balneario de Lanjarón: siglo XIX. Anales de Hidrología Médica, 1, 127-146.