La Aproximación de las Estrategias de la UE y EEUU en la Lucha contra la Proliferación de Armas de Destrucción Masiva

  • Milagros Álvarez Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
Keywords: nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction, EU, United States.


The change within the U.S. administration after the elections of 2008 and the subsequent adoption of new strategic documents in the fight against proliferation of weapons of mass destruction raise, again, the interest of comparison with the approaches advocated by the EU; this can make possible to identify the likely emergence of new agreement between them and thus, their impetus to new commitments in the non-proliferation regime. The comparison reveals three basic trends: stagnation in the process of improving and refining the rules laid down for chemical and biological weapons, selective development of nuclear non-proliferation regime, and consolidation of informal and ad hoc cooperation as a tool against the proliferation of WMD.


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How to Cite
Álvarez M. (2012). La Aproximación de las Estrategias de la UE y EEUU en la Lucha contra la Proliferación de Armas de Destrucción Masiva. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 30, 45-58.