El referendum sobre la permanencia de España en la OTAN

  • Juan Antonio Martínez Sánchez Escuela de Suboficiales de la Armada
Keywords: NATO, UCD, PSOE, Referendum, Spain, Adhesion


This article presents a chronological and historic overview of Spain joining NATO, a process which was initiated during the first government of the Union de Centro Democratico (UCD) under Adolfo Suarez. This process culminated with the referendum that took place on March 12, 1986, in which the Spanish people endorsed this organization. Throughout the process, the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) played an essential role as it went from radically opposing the process to taking a favorably stance in accepting it. The causes for a change in attitude and opinion towards the process by different groups and social classes, such as the church, media outlets and the public, will be analyzed throughout the paper.


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Author Biography

Juan Antonio Martínez Sánchez, Escuela de Suboficiales de la Armada

Licenciado en Psicologia. Diplomado en Psicologia Militar. Master en Paz, Seguridad y Defensa. Ha sido profesor titular y jefe del Departamento de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales de la Academia General del Aire. En 2009 fue jefe del Servicio de Psicologia del destacamento espanol de ISAF-OTAN en Herat, Afganistan. Actualmente es profesor asociado en la Escuela de Suboficiales de la Armada.



How to Cite
Martínez Sánchez J. A. (2011). El referendum sobre la permanencia de España en la OTAN. UNISCI Discussion Papers, 26, 283-310. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_UNIS.2011.v26.37825