The journal intends to answer and solve all complaints promptly and in a constructive manner. The Editorial Team and the staff of Ediciones Complutense will study the particular case of the complaint in accordance with its nature and complexity and any decision reached will take into consideration the recommendations provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Suggestions or complaints are to be sent to the journal’s e-mail address. All messages will be addressed and solved on a period up to thirty working days. However, depending on the degree of complexity of the complaint, the complainant will be informed if additional time is required to conclude the inquiry of the case.
The complaint must be succinct, specific and have enough data to demonstrate any possible fault to the journal’s publication ethics. If possible, complimentary documents as evidence of the particular request should also be provided.
Complaints beyond the journal’s capabilities like personal complaints against authors, editors, reviewers or the journal’s Editorial Team shall receive an answer that indicates the reasons why the complaint has been regarded as beyond the journal’s responsibility. In addition, the journal will refrain from undertaking the pertinent inquiry when complaints are addressed in an offensive, threatening or defamatory manner.