Subungueal glomic tumor at hallux: case report

  • Nuria Sarroca Becerrica Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Cristina Alonso Celadilla Diplomada en Podología y Enfermería
  • María Del Caso Orte Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • María Benito de Pedro Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: glomus tumor, glomangioma, pathological anatomy


The case report of a 65 year-old patient is described, who was attended in our clinic for subungueal pain on the first finger with nail elevation and deformity, which prevented her from wearing shoes. Surgery was performed on the lateral border of the nail and the third of the distal phalange of the first finger. The results of complementary tests and histological evaluation revealed a glomus tumor with no evidence of malignancy. At 30 days discomfort had completely disappeared, so that he returned to his usual working activities.


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How to Cite
Sarroca Becerrica N., Alonso Celadilla C., Del Caso Orte M. y Benito de Pedro M. (2017). Subungueal glomic tumor at hallux: case report. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 11(2), 148-155.