Treatment of Diabetic foot Ulcers: A review

  • Leticia Jiménez Blanco Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcer, treatment, care, therapy, cure


Mellitus diabetes has gained the tittle of epidemy of the 21st century, in which the diabetic food is one its critics complication. Objective: To describe newfangled treatments which allow the cure of diabetic ulcerous. Methods: Research of articles published on ”Pubmed” and “Scielo”, as well as the review of the available bibliography on Rey Juan Carlos University unit January the 3rd 2016. Results: They have been revised the following techniques: The care standards, electromechanical therapies, such as shock waves, topical negative pressure, ozone or hiperbaric oxygen; growing factors and biological skin equivalents, amongst others; out of twelve articles. Discussion: the therapy based on ozone, low cathodic continuous flow, bio-ingeniering skin substitutes, hialuronic-fibroblasts autolugous and Targeted are beneficial therapies. The shock waves, topical negative pressure and the hiperbaric oxygen received a low evidence level. The use of endogenous growing factors recommended above the locals. There is a confrontation in the articles about Dermagraft. Surgical debridement is the most efficient, but larval therapy (biological debridement) is become more relevant. In discharge, splint or total contact plaster and splint or instantaneous total contact plaster resulted useful. Conclusions: The existent treatments for UDF are various. There is not a specific action protocol, it must be adapted to the patient. More medical tests are required for homogeneous and comparable results to be generated amongst researches.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Blanco L. (2017). Treatment of Diabetic foot Ulcers: A review. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 11(2), 137-147.