Relationship of Lunge and Jack test in calcaneal apophysitis (sever´s disease) in young soccer players

  • Javier Alfaro Santafé
  • Antonio Gómez Bernal
  • José-Víctor Alfaro Santafé
  • Carla Lanuza Cerzócimo
  • Víctor-Luis Escamilla Galindo
  • Alejandro-Jesús Almenar Arasanz
Keywords: calcaneal apophysitis, soccer, Biomechanics, Lunge test, Jack test


Sever´s Disease or calcaneal apophysitis occur before or during the early growth in children. Experienced after a new practice of psychical activity that involve running or jumping as soccer. It was described by Dr. J. W. Sever, due to detection of pain with localized sensitivity in the posterior area of the calcaneus bone in young people. The aim of the study is relate the Sever´s Disease incidence and restricted values of Lunge test. In the same way, the inability to activate the windlass mechanism measured through the Jack test related with Sever´s Disease incidence. We performed both test to 60 young soccer players divided in two groups (Sever = 30 young players, 10,84±0,79 years old and 16,87±0,85 IMC values; No Sever = 30 young players, 10,87±0,80 years old and y 17,58±1,41 IMC values). The results shows that a 26,7% of Sever´s Disease patient had a positive Jack test in right foot versus 10,0% of non Sever´s Disease patient (p=0,181). While for left foot, a 33,3% of Sever´s Disease patient had a positive Jack test versus 13,3% of non Sever´s Disease patient (p=0,125). On the other hand, Lunge test for right foot show a significant difference (p<0,01) between Sever´s Disease patient (32,2±3,6) and non Sever´s Disease patient (40,5±4,1). At the same way, in left foot between Sever´s Disease patient (32,1±3,6) and non Sever´s Disease patient (39,2±4,4) with a significant difference (p<0,01). The ankle dorsiflexion restriction measured by Lunge test is related with an incidence of Sever´s Disease. While, Jack test do not show a significant relationship.


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How to Cite
Alfaro Santafé J., Gómez Bernal A., Alfaro Santafé J.-V., Lanuza Cerzócimo C., Escamilla Galindo V.-L. y Almenar Arasanz A.-J. (2017). Relationship of Lunge and Jack test in calcaneal apophysitis (sever´s disease) in young soccer players. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 11(2), 117-123.