Biomechanics and psychomotricity of the runner as determinant factors for the forefoot support in the race

  • Andrea Roca Dols Diplomado en Podología.
  • Rubén Sánchez Gómez. Doctor la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid.
Keywords: forefoot, pressure, injuries, biomechanics.


Objective. Running barefoot or minimalist footwear is a new trend that is intended to prevent injuries in runners. It is believed that the footwear increases the number of injuries to heel counter favors regarding forefoot. Our goal is to know if this is true or if biomechanics and psychomotor key corridor itself in varying forefoot support. Material and method. 12 runners were selected neutral and with no injuries to which they are recorded each foot 3 supports walking and running in shoes and barefoot mode by digital pressure Podoprint platform, which amounted to 60% travel (27m). The two variables and contrasts were compared in the pressure and surface. Results. Going footwear as to produce pressure changes and in the forefoot area, the surface pressure increases but decreases. Regardless of footwear smudging or barefoot always most forefoot support and the support is greater in the forefoot to rearfoot barefoot footwear. Conclusions. Biomechanics is responsible for more or less support in the race forefoot, the shoe does not condition the support of any region of the foot but if you modify the surface of forefoot pressure.


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How to Cite
Roca Dols A. y Sánchez Gómez. R. (2014). Biomechanics and psychomotricity of the runner as determinant factors for the forefoot support in the race. Revista Internacional de Ciencias Podológicas, 9(1), 50-62.