On the taxonomic identity and status of 'Silene sericea' var. 'balearica' (sect. 'Dipterosperma', Caryophyllaceae)

  • Llorenç Sáez Gonyalons Systematic and Evolution of Vascular Plants (UAB), Associated unit to CSIC, Botany, Faculty of Biosciences Autonomous University of Barcelona. E-08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4551-2432
  • Elisabet Guasp Systematic and Evolution of Vascular Plants (UAB), Associated unit to CSIC, Botany, Faculty of Biosciences Autonomous University of Barcelona. E-08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
  • Pedro Pablo Ferrer-Gallego Servicio de Vida Silvestre, Centro para la Investigación y Experimentación Forestal (CIEF), Generalitat Valenciana, Avda. Comarques del País Valencià 114, 46930, Quart de Poblet, Valencia, Spain. http://orcid.org/0000-0001-7595-9302
  • Javier López-Alvarado Systematic and Evolution of Vascular Plants (UAB), Associated unit to CSIC, Botany, Faculty of Biosciences Autonomous University of Barcelona. E-08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0568-4125
  • Josep A. Rosselló Jardín Botánico-ICBiBE-Unidad Asociada CSIC, Universitat de València, c/ Quart 80, 46008 Valencia, Spain. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0432-661X
Keywords: Silene, endemic plants, Mediterranean Region, Balearic Islands, Taxonomy


This paper presents a re-evaluation of the taxonomic relationships of Silene sericea var. balearica based on morphological features Critical examination of herbarium specimens (including type material) and living plants has shown that S. sericea var. balearica should be recognized at species level. Therefore, the new name, Silene migjornensis, is proposed to designate the endemic species growing on maritime sands in southern Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Spain). This taxon is described, illustrated and compared with its morphologically closest relatives from Silene sect. Dipterosperma.



Author Biography

Llorenç Sáez Gonyalons, Systematic and Evolution of Vascular Plants (UAB), Associated unit to CSIC, Botany, Faculty of Biosciences Autonomous University of Barcelona. E-08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain

Professor in Autonomous University of Barcelona. My research focuses on systematics, evolution of vascular plants and other topics such as biodiversity, biogeography and conservation of threatened species (vascular plants and bryophytes).

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How to Cite
Sáez Gonyalons L., Guasp E., Ferrer-Gallego P. P., López-Alvarado J. y Rosselló J. A. (2019). On the taxonomic identity and status of ’Silene sericea’ var. ’balearica’ (sect. ’Dipterosperma’, Caryophyllaceae). Mediterranean Botany, 40(2), 193-202. https://doi.org/10.5209/mbot.64431
Applied Botany