La Comisión de Patrimonio de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP): antecedentes, constitución y objetivos
Palacontological Heritage, Spanish Palaeontological Society, Palaeontological Sites Working Group, Palaconlological Heritage Commíssíon
The growing concem of spanish paleontologisís on the paleontological heritage led to the foundation of the Heritage Working Group (1991), within the Spanish Palaeontological Society. This Group developed mi active work amongst the members of the Society by circulating information on the spanish heritage regulations and laws and promoted a live debate on the measures to be íaken by spanish palaeontologists as regards the new Heritage laws and their subsequent development in the different autlionomous communities of the country. During the Xlii annual meeting of the Spanish Palaeontological Society (1997) tIte Heritage Working Group became the official 1-lentage Coinmíssíon of the Society. In the following text, a bricí account is given of me main purposes and proposed tasks of the Commission, as an active instrumenL to promote the internal debate on protection and social diffussion of ibe Palaleontological Heritage. as well as to serve as an intermediate link between the palaeontological community aud rhe political institutions.Downloads
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How to Cite
Martínez Delclos X., Meléndez G. y Soria M. (1999). La Comisión de Patrimonio de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología (SEP): antecedentes, constitución y objetivos. Coloquios de Paleontología, 50, 23.