Rasgos bioestratigráficos de la sucesión silúrica del Sinclinal del Guadarranque (provinciasdeCáceres, Badajoz y CiudadReal)
Twenty two fossiliferous lewIs from the uve stratigraphie sections in Silurian rocks of the Guadarranque Syncline (Central-Iberian Zone) are 1. Geologo. C/ Doña Romera. 15. Getafe. 28901 Madrid. 2, U.U.!. de Paleontología del Instituto de Geología Económica (C.S.I.C.-U.C.Mj. Facultad de CC. Geológicas. 28040 Madrid. 3. Cátedra de Paleontología, Facultad de CC. Exactas. Fisicas y Naturales; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Av. Véle» Sarsfmeld, 299. 5000 Córdoba (Argentina). número 42, págs. 53--106. Editorial (01.--Pi, Universidad Comptuteusc. Mactr¡ct, 1958--59 84 1< Al. Rodríguez Núñez, J (1 Gutiérrez Mc¡roo y G. Sc,r,niento studied. The presence ofgraptolites together with conodonts is very signiflcant and ofgreat biostratigraphic value in order to date and correlate a big part ofthe succession. Re lowest beds are the (iuadarranquejo Formation and represent the Turriculatus and Crenulata Zones froin the Telychian. they are preceded by a gap representing Rhuddanian-Aeronian. The following Guadarranque Formnation, is referred to the Sheinwoodian because of the presence of tbe Linnarssoni and Ricccartonensts Zones. The WenlocklLudlow boundary lies within the «Cabezuelas Sandstones». in the upper part of which the Nilssoni Zone of tbe Gorstian has been recognized. Ihe existence ofotheryoungest Silurian to Devonian strata in the syncline core is very improbable.Downloads
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Gutiérrez Marco J. C., Rodríguez Núñez V. M. y Sarmiento G. (1988). Rasgos bioestratigráficos de la sucesión silúrica del Sinclinal del Guadarranque (provinciasdeCáceres, Badajoz y CiudadReal). Coloquios de Paleontología, 42, 83. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/COPA/article/view/COPA8889110083A