Sphaeroidothyris uretae sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) del Aaleniense superior (Jurásico) del Sector Septentrional de la Cordillera Ibérica (España)

  • Fernando García Joral
Keywords: Brachiopods, Systematic, Biostratigraphy, Paleobiogeography, Middle Jurassic, Iberian Range, Spain


The systematic description of a new species of terebratulid from the Aalenian of northern Spain is presented. Sphaeroidothyris uretae sp. nov. is distinctive for the small size of the specimens, with both valves inflated at the umbonal region, strong beak carrying a very small round foramen, and a slightly folded anterior commissure, that commonly shows the valve margins meeting at a sharp angle. It has been assigned to the genus Sphaeroidothyris on the basis of the inflation and slight folding of the shell, though a certain heterogeneity is recognised within this genus. S. uretae sp. nov. is stated in terms of the regional stratigraphic framework, and the other brachiopod species which co-occur with it are also cited and figured. Finally, the paleobiogeographic affinities of the association with S. uretae sp. nov. are outlined.


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How to Cite
García Joral F. (2005). Sphaeroidothyris uretae sp. nov. (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida) del Aaleniense superior (Jurásico) del Sector Septentrional de la Cordillera Ibérica (España). Coloquios de Paleontología, 55, 163-174. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/COPA/article/view/COPA0505110163A