Early Miocene mammals of Beaulieu (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), comparison with Wintershof-West and the problem of the MN3/MN4 boundary

  • Jean-Pierre Aguilar
  • Pierre-Olivier Antoine
  • Jean-Yves Crochet
  • Nieves López-martínez
  • Grégoire Métais
  • Jacques Michaux
  • Jean-Loup Welcomme


Beaulieu’s biochronological level is defined by four localities, contemporaneous of the volcanism dated -17,5 ± 0,3 My., among which two of them are in correlation with marine deposits dated in biozones N6 + N7. The microfauna (rodents and lagomorphs) indicates a high level in the time interval named the «cricetid vacuum « (zones B of AGUILAR (1982) or MN 3 (DE BRUIJN et al., 1992), probably younger than Wintershof-West, while the macrofauna is indicating their sub-contemporaneity. The radiometric age and the normal polarity of the basalt allow to discuss about the MN3 / MN4 boundary.


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How to Cite
Aguilar J.-P. ., Antoine P.-O. ., Crochet J.-Y. ., López-martínez N. ., Métais G. ., Michaux J. . y Welcomme J.-L. . (2003). Early Miocene mammals of Beaulieu (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), comparison with Wintershof-West and the problem of the MN3/MN4 boundary. Coloquios de Paleontología, 1-24. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/COPA/article/view/COPA0303220001A