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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The papers should be original and unpublished and will be submitted for evaluation to the editorial board and to two referees specialized on the subject dealt in the paper.

Title: The title in the same language of the main text in lower case (no bold type or italics); the title in the second language (English, if the main text is in Spanish; Spanish if the main text is in English), typed in lower case and italics.

Author(s): Complete surname in lower case.

Address: Mail address, below “Authors”; in case of several authors the address of each should be referred to each author by means of Arabic numbers. Abstract: In Spanish and English, after “Address of the authors”. Maximum, 500 words.

Key words: In Spanish and English, following each Abstract. A maximum of eight key words is allowed.

Headings and Section

The main Sections (such as INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, CONCLUSIONS, REFERENCES, etc.) must be typed in bold capitals. First-order subsections typed in small capitals. Second-order subsections typed in italics. Thirdorder subsections in normal type.


Recommended style of references is given below:

Book: AUTHOR (initials after surname). Year. Title. Pages. Publishers. City.

GIGNOUX, M. 1960. Géologie stratigraphique. 759 pp. Masson & Cie Editeurs. París.

Collective book: AUTHOR (initials after surname). Year. Title of the Chapter. In: Title of the Book. Editor/s. first Page-last Page. Publishers. City.

SANDFORD, F. 1994. The Florida hermit-crab sponge, a little known ‘mobile’ sponge from the NE corner of the Gulf of Mexico, and its hermit crab associate. In: Sponges in time and space. VAN SOEST, R.W., VAN KEMPEN, TH. M.G. & BRAEKMAN, J.C. Eds. pp. 273- 278. A.B. Balkema. Rotterdam.

Journal: AUTHOR (initials after surname). Year. Title. journal (complete title), Vol. (N.): first Page-last Page

MONTES, M.J., ANDRÉS, C., FERRER, S. & GUINEA, J. 1997. Identificación de una nueva especie de Cryptococcus procedente de Botany Bay, Tierra Victoria. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural (Sección Biológica), 93(1-4): 45-50.

When several references have the same author or authors, a hyphen replaces their names in all citations but the first.

In the main text, the references should be cited by AUTHOR’S name typed in small capitals followed by the year of publication. References must be included only if cited in the main text.

Figures and plates

Explanations of figures: On a separate page after “References”. In Spanish and in English. The desired place for figures should be indicated on the margin of the main text

Explanations of Plates: On a separate page after “Explanations of figures”. In Spanish and English.

Format: The final size of the Figures and Plates is 14,3 x 20,8 cm. When preparing a manuscript, the authors must take into account that any illustration exceeding this size will be reduced by the publisher to the specified size.


Authors should submit an original and two copies. After a manuscript is finally accepted for publication, authors should submit an original and a copy of the typescript and diskette in MS Word format.

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