Controls in vertical changes of alluvial system character. The «grésbelasianos» unit-Cretaceous of the Lusitanian Basin (Central Portugal)

  • R. Pena dos Reis
  • P. Proenca Cunha
  • J.L. Dinis


The ogrés belasianos» unit represents alluvial silicielastie sediments deposited during late Aptian to Cenomanian times in the Lusitanian Basin, on the western margin of the Iberian plate. Two fining-upward successions have been identitied in the unit by studies of vertical changes of lithofacies associations in tbe northern part of the basin. The Iower fining-upward succession corresponds to deposits of coalescent wet alluvial fans, changing to a braidplain witli local sinuosity. The upper succcss¡on records the transition from high slope braidplains with increasing sinuosity to fluvial-dominated deltaic deposits. Considering the available biostratigraphic data, the allocyclic controls on vertical changes of lithofacies assoeiations is discussed. It was inferred that the climate or a basin margin uplift were not the main control on system charaeter clianges. Furthermore, evidence in the offshore suggests that sea-level changes probably had a major influence. We believe that the onset of seafloor spreading in the Galician western margin and Bay of Biscay during upper Aptian to middle Albian have caused sea-level variations in the Lusitanian Basin, related to the thermal and isostatic adjustments. A relationship was admitted between the custatie curves of Haq et aL (1988) and the North Atíantie (Iberia included) geodynamic evolution. In the unit studied, the lower fining-upward succession probably corresponds to the supercycle LZB-4 and the upper tining-upward succession to UZA-í and part of the UZA-2 of Haq etal. (1988). Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, nY 18, 27-5 8. Editorial Complutense, Madrid, 1994 L)ints, J. L. e, aL 28


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Comment citer
Pena dos Reis R., Proenca Cunha P. y Dinis J. (1994). Controls in vertical changes of alluvial system character. The «grésbelasianos» unit-Cretaceous of the Lusitanian Basin (Central Portugal). Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 18, 27-58.