Síntesis del Oxfordiense en la Cuenca Ibérica Nororiental y correlación con la Cuenca Catalana.
Upper Jurassic, Iberian Chain, ammonoidea, biostratigrapby, facies analysis
Facies analysis carried out in tbe Oxfordian of the northeastern Iberian Chain and in tbe southern Catalan Coastal Chain (Serra de la Creu, Xerta-Paúls), result in the identification of sewral facies groups, which bave been grouped into five basic types. Age deterniinations and lateral facies reíationships have been favoured by the precise ammonite biostratigraphy. From Ihese set of data, four depositional sequenees have been identified for the Oxfordian. The upper ones, (sequences J33 and J34) correspond to tbe Yátova Fm Sponge facies are dominant throughout the platform during the deposition of sequence i33 (Plicatilis Biozone pp. to l-Iypselum Biozone): grain-supported skeletal, oolitic and oncolitic facies are only found in the sedimentary shoals and in marginal areas. Maximum deepening in this sequence took place at the end of the Transversarium Biozone. Sequence 134 spans from Bimammatum Biozone to Planula Subbiozone. During this sequence, sedimentation in the marginal basin areas is well differentiated. Farther west (Veruela, Ricla), marly and siliciclastic facies prevalí, whereas eastwards (Sena de la Creu, Xerta-Patils) shallow and grain-supported carbonate facies are dominant. Sedimentation in outer platform arcas consists of peloida!, skeletal and glauconitic facies.Downloads
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Meléndez G., Aurell M., Bádenas B., Bello J., Ramajo J., Delvene G. y Pérez-urresti I. (1999). Síntesis del Oxfordiense en la Cuenca Ibérica Nororiental y correlación con la Cuenca Catalana. Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 25, 111-138. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CGIB/article/view/CGIB9999110111A