Rasgos geológicos del magmatismo autuniense en la Sierra de Albarracín (Cadena Ibérica Occidental)

  • E. Arranz
  • L. Auque
  • J. Bastida Cuairán
  • A. Gil-imaz
  • M. Lago
  • M.P. Lapuente
  • A. Pocoví


Magmatic rocks cropping in Sierra de Albarracin area (Teruel and Guadalajara provinces), have a calc-alkaline affinity and range in age from Autunian to Upper Permian. Their setting was conditioned by latehercynian fractures that usually define hall-graben structures. Ihe structu <muade,nos de Geología Ibérica, nY 20, 139--15 7 Servicio de Publicaciones. Universidad Complutense. Madrid, 1996 140 M. Lago el al ral characters in two outcrops (Bronchales and Orca), are evidences for a synchronous setting of the magmatism and sedimentary filling. These characters are in concordance to that of the cogenetic and coetaneous magmatism that crops in other sectors of the Iberian Chain. Kcy words: calc-alkaline magmatism, Autunian, Sierra de Albarracín, western Iberian Chain.


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How to Cite
Arranz E., Auque L., Bastida Cuairán J., Gil-imaz A., Lago M., Lapuente M. y Pocoví A. (1996). Rasgos geológicos del magmatismo autuniense en la Sierra de Albarracín (Cadena Ibérica Occidental). Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 20, 139-158. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CGIB/article/view/CGIB9696120139A