Composición mineralógica de suelos desarrollados sobre calizas jurásicas de la Sierra de Cameros (La Rioja, España)
Soil, Mineralogy, Phyllosilicate, Cameros Mountain
Rocks of four profiles (three of them on Dogger aged rocks, ant! the other one on Lias aged rocks) in four geographical arcas are studied with the purpose of brinding to light the mineralogical evolution experienced during the soil formation process. The bedrocks are very pure limestones, constituted by calcite some phyllosilicates artd traces of quartz. 11w most frcquent sheet mineral is Cuadernos de Geología ibérica Ni 14. 269-281. Madrid. 1990. Edit. Universidad Complutense. C. de Leinus, 1. Subias y C. Fernández-Nieto 270 muscovite, accompanied by small quantities of kaolinite and chlorite.The mineralogical composition of soils is: illite with quartz, small quantities of chlorite an kaolinite, ant! frequent, irregular, varied interstratified sheet silicates. Our conclusion is that we are dealing with typical high mountain, poorly evolued sojís, where calcite has been leached, quartz has been concentrated ans muscovite has been degraded resulting in the diffrent types of interstratified particles.Downloads
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How to Cite
Subias I., Fernández-nieto C. y Lemus C. d. (1990). Composición mineralógica de suelos desarrollados sobre calizas jurásicas de la Sierra de Cameros (La Rioja, España). Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 14, 269-282.