Síntesis de los resultados paleomagnéticos de los bordes de la cuenca Catalano-Balear.

  • J.M. Parés
  • F. Sábat
  • R. Freeman


The study and comparison between the Triassic, Jurassic and Tertiary available paleomagnetic data from the emerged margins of the CatalanBalearie Trough (essentially Catalan Coastal Range and Mallorca), lead us to announce some considerations relative to their geodynamic implications. In this sense, it should be noted a systematic clockwise rotation of the paleomagnetic directions from the Catalan Coastal Range relative to those from the western part of Iberia and similarly, a clockwise rotation of the directions from Mallorca relative to those from the Catalan Dirección actual: Institut Jaume Almera, C.S.I.C., Marti i Franqués sIn, 08028 Barcelo* na (Spain). 60 J. Al. Parés, R. Freeman y E Sábat margin. A diachrony of the tectonie rotations is also observed. The detailed analysis of these results, some of them still preliminary, allows us to explain the observed rotations within the same context of the geodynamie evolution of the Catalan-Balearie Trough.


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How to Cite
Parés J., Sábat F. y Freeman R. (1988). Síntesis de los resultados paleomagnéticos de los bordes de la cuenca Catalano-Balear. Cuadernos de Geología Ibérica, 12, 59-74. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CGIB/article/view/CGIB8889120059A